How to Grow Avocados in Containers – Complete Growing Guide

  1. Germination: Start by cleaning the avocado seed and using toothpicks for suspension in water until germination shows.
  2. Potting Matters: Choose a pot size suitable for the climate, larger pots in warmer areas, and smaller, manageable ones for indoor settings in cooler regions.
  3. Creating an Optimal Growing Environment: Aim for soil with a pH of 5 to 7, using a mixture of peat, coconut fiber, and earthworm humus.
  4. Essential Care Guidelines: Provide cold protection and manage heat with shading; ensure the pot has good drainage.
  5. The Art of Fertilization: Fertilize during active growth seasons with a top dressing of earthworm humus.

Pruning for Success: Prune when the plant reaches about 60 cm to encourage branching and manage shape.

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